Lucja Radwan

Lucja Radwan

Lucja Radwan

Lucja Radwan, (born 1951 in Tuchòw, Poland) is an Austrian artist of Polish origin who lives in Gols, Burgenland. The professional handling of various media is remarkable. Radwan is a passionate watercolorist. Her watercolors are delicate webs of light and colors. She reduces motifs from nature to the essentials. In her oil paintings she has been dealing with the variety of shapes of stalactite caves for some time. Shapes are reduced, colors are added. The viewer is transported into a dream world with flowing boundaries and proportions. The artist also works in acrylic, which is primarily a representation of caves or an examination of the diversity of nature. You shouldn’t ignore your precise ink drawings on various topics, including “Second World War”, “Border Crossers”, “Light and Shadow”. Since 1985 her pictures have been presented through solo exhibitions or participation in exhibitions worldwide, such as Australia, France, Israel, Japan, Korea, Austria, Poland, Hungary and the USA.

Her pictures are in important collections.

Collection of Pope John Paul II, Artothek des Bundes, Vienna, Tarnów Regional Museum, Tuchów Municipal Museum ,Rollet Museum – Baden

Prizes and awards:

2000 – The NSS Speleo Art Salon in Elkins, USA: 1st place and 2nd place for abstract SpeleoArt painting. 2001 – The NSS Speleo Art Salon in Mount Vernon Kentucky, USA: 1st place and 2nd place for SpeleoArt painting. 2002 – I.C.U. – International Cultural Union, Second International Festival “Femina”, Israel: Honorary Award. 2019 – ART-Award BV of Austria’s visual artists: ranking among the five best submissions on the subject of “Ephemera” 2020 – ART-Award BV of Austria’s visual artists: Fifth place on the subject of “Fake in Art”

Participation in art fairs (selection):

Vetrina degli Artist Contemporanei, Florence, Italy. Biennale Internationale Dell’Arte Contemporane, Florence, Italy. Art View & Performance, Salzburg. K “St-Art”, Strasbourg Art fair “Viennafair”, Vienna


Member of the professional association of visual artists in Austria, Association for Speleology Seibersdorf, Artist platform Gallery – le-art