
Josef Zinsberger founded the gallery in June 2012. Painting and sculpture take centre stage at the gallery.

This involves the presentation of the newest painters, of the most expressive sculptures as well as artists with character and charisma. We also exhibit meticulously selected young artists with potential.

The “galerie-le-art” places special emphasis on a continuous cooperation with the artists. The public can easily follow the activities of “their” artists. This naturally includes special support and promotion of the artists, e.g. through yearly participation in at least one international art fair, regular exhibitions, themed group shows, solo exhibitions and also by placing the artists with other high-quality galleries.

Visitors can experience a cosy atmosphere in stylish settings. Special encounters make room for an exchange of views between public and artists over a glass of wine. Sharing experience and advice feature prominently.

The gallery sees itself as a place of exchange between artist and collector and therefore places great emphasis on a communicative atmosphere.

Let me know by email when you are planning to be in the area!

I am looking forward to your visit.